NaNoWriMo, aka National Novel Writing Month, is an annual event that spans the entire month of November. It challenges the individual to take pen in hand, or to sit at the keyboard, and "write laughably awful yet lengthy prose together". It is a whirlwind of an event that brings about frustration, fear, anxiety, adrenaline rushes, and, ultimately, exultation - that is, if you actually manage to reach the goal of 50,000 words (equivalent to a 175-page novella).
I joined my first NaNoWriMo back in November of 2004. Always having loved the written word, I needed to test my mettle and see if I could actually produce a somewhat coherent and interesting tome in just over 4 weeks. It dawned on me that an autobiographical approach would be most suitable. Besides, it would be invaluable to record the significant events of my life, before I forget the minute details. So, after a harrowing 30 days of non-stop typing, I submitted my entry for review, and received my winner's certificate and icon. Woo hoo!
In 2005, I once again tried my hand at writing the requisite 50,000; but, alas, being 8 months pregnant, my energy levels were just not quite enough to reach the goal. However, come this November, 2009, I will once again throw my novelist's hat into the writing ring.
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